Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Year in Sermons

For some years the Holy Cross sermon blog has been publishing sermons by members of the community at West Park.  I have been happy to be part of that enterprise.  In time there will be sermons by the community for most if not all the Sundays and occasions of the 3-year lectionary cycle.  It gives as well an interesting look at the thinking and expression of a spectrum of people preaching at West Park, though not quite all, since some of our best preachers don't always preach from a manuscript, and so their offerings are not able to be included.

I imagine some who might read this blog also check out the Holy Cross Monastery website and link to the sermon blog from there.  You can also use the link above.  But for those who don't, here are links to my sermons from the last 12 months or so, which I thought might be of interest to those who might follow me here, and also to show that I have not been completely off the reservation during my long absence from this blog.

Easter 3B  April 22, 2012

Trinity Sunday, June 3, 2012

Holy Cross Day, September 14, 2012

All Saints Day, November 1, 2012

The Solemnity of Fr. Huntington, November 27, 2012
This was also published, with an introductory essay, in the Order's Holy Cross News edition for 2013, which focused on the topic of the desert.

Lent 3C, March 3, 2013

Easter 3C, April 14, 2013

Those who know me know that I love to preach. I hope that love comes through in these very different sermons.


Faculty News said...

Great idea! Excellent food for thought. Thanks, Devin

MEH said...

HI, Adam, I do enjoy your sermons and the blogs. It is nice to feel the sensiblities of another historian come through your sermons.

Hope you are well and enjoying Chapter.
Mary Eleanor Hill

Jeff Lowry said...

Br. Adam,

Thank you for this review of your past sermons. You are a wonderful sermon writer. I saw on the Mount Calvary/St. Mary's site
that you will be joining that community soon.

I hope Chapter went well and wish you and the other brothers safe travels and our Lord's blessings in the next leg of your monastic journey!

Your blog has been very interesting reading and has kept me grounded and given me something to anticipate over the past several years. Thank you! Hopefully you will continue your blog during your stay at Mount Calvary/St. Mary's.

In Christ,
Jeff, a/OHC